Icek PS2MASTER PS Store ugrađen u PS5. Awesome Apsolutno se slažem. Nadam se da će sada kupovina igara biti ugodno iskustvo, a ne lagfest.
Nexus One final piece of good news. We're firm advocates of game preservation at Digital Foundry. We believe that when you buy a physical game, you should be able to install and play it offline. The code on the disc matters. PlayStation 4 will always let you run that code, patches are never mandatory except for totally online titles - and Hideaki Nishino says that the same is true for PlayStation 5. Not being able to run the disc code would be "out of the question". There will be a PS5 Digital Edition, of course, but beyond the brand new bells and whistles with the new UI, it's good to see that the commitment to the physical disc is still there for those who stick to the standard console.
foggy Gazza Cuo sam 2B i usao u neki UI topic, sto je to, zna li se sto? Pa oke sve skupa izgleda, bas me zanima koliko ce devovi stvarno progressa ubacivat, to mi malo ne ide u korist s guidovima jer ja inace budem taj koji napravi takav video 🙂
Tzereen Gazza znači, to će bit moj uvjet potencijalnoj ženi. Ima da se bar jednom mjesečno cosplayaš u 2B i onda možemo pričat o svadbi!
Gazza foggy Kaj je tak jako vristala da se cuje do pocetka portala? 😁 @Tzereen tak je prika,mogu slobodno reci da to daje jednu novu dimenziju vezi,pa i braku iako nisam udan jos 😁 @Fico e necemo sad pretjerivati 😆
Fico Tzereen Ne znam hoće li se tvojoj ženi svidjeti da se Gazza cosplaya u 2B, ali neću kink shameat.
buz Izgleda dobro, ali ne izgleda mi baš preintuitivno. Nadam se da nećemo morati kopati puno po tim karticama. A i vidim da će puno toga o developeru ovisiti što se tiče ovih kartica.