PS2MASTER Yes, the leakage of TLOU Pt II was by a BR. I only say one thing: congratulations to the leaky asshole. These are things that make companies give up on finding games with voices or even subtitles for Brazil. Leaks like this generate access, but in the end, they only generate discord. U dodatnom tweetu : Of course, the leak was not just from someone from Brazil (if it was instead of someone else from another country who only put the game in that language). So many things are leaking through various places. The situation is ugly. Take cover.
resident_evil Nisam si niš spojlao ali me ful živcira. Jer pitanje je kad ćemo dočekati službeni izlazak.
herc Reddit, Instagram (pogotovo onaj službeni od Naughty Dog-a), YT komentari i 4Chan su prepuni spoilera i već se naveliko priča o teorijama u vezi istih Priča se i nagađa da je za sve odgovoran lik kojeg NG nije isplatio.