AMC said it heavily marketed Rick’s exit because “if you were a fan of the show we wanted you to know this was your opportunity to see, live, his departure from the series,” said David Madden, the head of programming. “We wanted to honor that moment, and then at the same time tell people what would come next.”
But based on reaction to the show’s earlier narrative gimmicks, some fans are sure to feel manipulated or misled.
“I hope that people don’t feel that way, but the internet is quite a vast place, so I imagine some folks will,” Gimple said
Rick Grimes last epizode je bio marketing.Unazad par komentara mozes vidjet gdje sam napisao svoju teoriju koja je ispala tocna.Nikad nije pisalo da umire niti su svi to mislili.Al dobro..necu bit ovdje neki dezurni fan i skakat na komentare.Vidi se da vas pojedince to jednostavno ispunjava zadovoljstvom pa uzivajte. Na tvoj hastag mogu ti samo bacite quote iz zadnje epizode: "we don't die" ;) Jebeni masterpiece je bila epizoda koja nikog nije ostavila ravnodusnim a buducnost je nikad ljepsa za seriju i fanove ako ovako nastave.Zato ako ti je postalo glupo zbog Negana kao i vecini,deveta sezona je prava stvar da uskocis u sedlo Twd is life!.