EVO IH OPET!! Od kreatora (Tokyo RPG) I Am Setsuna i Lost Sphear-a u izradi je igra imena Oninaki. Ovaj put na igri radi i Takashi Tokita (direktor i scenarist Chrono Trigger-a, Parasite Eve-a, te 1000 FF igri, skoro) kao kreativni producent, pa možda ispadne bolji proizvod.
Reincarnation is the foundation of our way of life. We celebrate the lives we’ve been given, and offer up prayers for the next.
It is grief of death which shackles the living, and causes the dead to stray. Indeed, there is no greater affront to reincarnation.
So do we turn our grief to joy as we send off the dead.
But the souls of those who held back their tears in life still need salvation in death. A duty that falls to the Watchers.
Their task is to guide the wandering souls known as the Lost, and serve as keepers of the Living World and the Beyond.
The Watchers sever the bonds that tie the Lost to this world, and send them on to the next. They navigate the emotions of the living and the dead. They prize life above all else.
This is the story of one Watcher.
Q&A sa producentom
Otkrivanje lika ili Character reveal (ovo toliko bolje zvuči na engleskom)
Borba izgleda drugačije, STVARNO se nadam da su poboljšali kombat i BAREM izgled protivnika. U prve dvije igre boss-ovi su izgledali ok, dok su normalni protivnici izgledali tako super da se eto pola sata pokušavam sjetiti barem jednog kako je izgledao. (i onda pogledaš trailer, vidiš ovog ogromnog, vjerujem "boss-a" i facepalm-aš se)
Od likova za sada je poznato 5 osoba, ne znam oće li ih biti više (onih bitnih jel). Više o likovima možete vidjeti ovdje: https://oninaki.square-enix-games.com/en-us