Evo par iz mojih starih modova i fan fictiona (Fallout). Je, sad sam počea i sebe citirat.
"That is the price of greatness - responsibility. My greatness comes from war, but my responsibility comes from men and women under my command. The youth that fights and dies in the wars others declare. Their lives are on me, their defeats are my failures, their victories - my achievements. With all of that in mind, we go forward and move toward our full potential. It will be a long and difficult road, but it's the one we must walk."
"Before that happened, I was always closing my eyes before everything that was happening, before all the horrors that people inflicted on each other. I was afraid to act because of what I might lose, until I had nothing left to lose."
I nekoliko iz stvari na kojima trenutačno radim. Prihvaćam prijedloge za poboljšanja, mada znam da je teško bez konteksta.
"It's difficult to fight an enemy that has no boundaries without crossing any lines yourself. But if we do that, where do we draw the line? And are we any better than them if we take that path, the path of least resistance? That's what you never understood. You still don't understand. We're trying to make this world a better place. To do it, it's not enough to stop men like them, it's not enough to emerge victorious. No, we need to keep future generations from becoming like them by setting an example, by showing them there is another way. As a wise man once said: 'be the change you wish to see in the world.' If you can't see it that way, then I'm afraid there is no place for you here."
"I pity the people who feel guilt. Imagine how horrible it must be - to be a slave to your conscience, rotting in the prison of your own mind."
"You believe it's the kings, emperors and presidents who run the world. The truth is, those people are nothing more than marionettes, while people like me are pulling the strings from the shadows. But I suppose it's just human nature. Nobody wants to believe that everything they know is a lie."
"The society condemns us, when instead they should be thanking us. Yes, thanking us! We weed out the weak and the incompetent! After all, isn't a chain only as strong as its weakest link?"
"Let me tell you something about war. I hate it. I hate it the way only a soldier who's lived it can, only someone who's seen its...its brutality, its futility, its fucking stupidity! Tell me, what did we accomplish out there? What did we win? Freedom? Like hell we did! Tomorrow they'll be other assholes looking to make a living by enslaving people. And others after them. We can't stop that. The only thing we accomplished is getting our people killed. My friends! All dead!! So fuck Moore and his speeches! And fuck your war stories! There's nothing good about war. Nothing! Nothing except its ending." He said this so loudly that the entire courtyard could hear him. All of them stopped what they were doing and listened to this broken man shout in anger and pain, watched his eyes fill with tears as all of his emotions surfaced. None of them ever forgot those words.
"The key is to make those outside of our society feel like they're in control, that the world-changing events happen naturally. It's all just an illusion, of course. The fate of this entire continent is in our hands."
"Hope is for those who can't influence the outcome. I can, I simply choose not to."
"I'm what time and circumstance made me. In fact, aren't we all? You leave nothing but death and destruction in your wake, and yet you seem to pass judgement on me so easily. Tell me, how many lives did you take? How many more before you reach your end? Don't you see, the world is not black and white. It's almost completely consumed by the grey. But perhaps you sleep easier at night if you label me "a bad guy", instead of recognizing how alike we really are."
"You don't realize what a fragile world we live in, do you? One well-placed information can change everything overninght - start or end a war, save or end lives, give rise to a government or bring one down....the possibilities are endless."
"The main rule of the game is: "trust no one, exploit everyone."
"Tell me, what do I stand to gain by revealing myself to the world? I would only be painting a target on my back. Success breeds enemies, don't you know that by now?"
"Rules of warfare exist for a reason. It's what separates us from animals, what keeps us from descending into chaos."
"Do you know what makes people so predictable, so easy to control? It's their greed. Greed is one of my greatest allies."
"Before the battle, I called it our first step toward greatness. I can think of no better way to honor our fallen heroes than to take the next step, and the one after that, until we have reached that goal. A great task remains before us — to ensure they will not have died in vain. To make their actions echo throughout eternity, never forgotten."
Ako je iko ima volje ovo sve pročitat, onda vam svaka čast.