"Solid" Start
‘Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’ lands Konami their first No1 of the year.
It also marks the series’ return to the top of the All Formats chart for the first time since 2008. It’s a new week 1 high for the series beating the opening week sales of ‘Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty’ by just under 37%. It’s enough to put it at 3rd place in terms of first week sales in 2015 (behind Batman: Arkham Knight & The Witcher III: Wild Hunt). PS4 takes a commanding 72% share over Xbox One which has 22%, while PS3 edges to a 3% share over Xbox 360 with just 2%. Unable to threaten the No1 spot ahead of Metal Gear, Warner Bros’ post-apocalyptic open world ‘Mad Max’ still makes a solid start driving in at No2 in its debut week. After winning the battle of the format exclusives and claiming No1 last week ‘Gears of War: Ultimate Edition’ (-64%) makes way for the new guys dropping to No3. It remains ahead of Sony title ‘Until Dawn’ (-52%) down two places to No4, while ‘Disney Infinity 3.0’ (-35%) also slides two spots to No5.
While the rest of the Top 10 has a somewhat familiar look the Top 40 welcomes another pair of debutants this week. Koch Media bring ‘Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse’ to Xbox One and PS4 (The PC version was released in 2014) and the title makes it to No35 in its opening week. With the tournament proper on the horizon Big Ben Interactive and Ubisoft bring ‘Rugby World Cup 2015’ to a host of formats (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Vita and PC) landing at No39.
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Napokon malo zanimljiviji tjedan, haha! Čini se da je i dalje MGS serijal vezan strikno za PS, što i dokazuje ova podjela u prodaji. U biti, Xbox zajednica malo mari za japanske naslove ( iako je iza tog naslova jako ime ). Prodaja MGS V prošli tjedan u UK je ovakva : TOTAL 169,880
PC baš i nije popularan u UK, jel. Vostalom, MGS V je isporučen u preko 3 milje primjeraka dosad :
Al zato kad se već ne računa PC u UK, zato će za koji dan biti zanimljivo vidjeti njemačku listu de je PC platforma veoma jaka. Mad Max se, kad se bolje pogleda, solidno prodao, upravo zato jer je baš izašao na dan kad i MGS V. Tak da ono, jebga. Al igra sigurno zaslužuje više. Until Dawn se dobro drži, dapače, em je ne baš zastupljen žanr - horror, em nije puno pao na listi dok su izašli jači naslovi. Dakle, solidno! GeOW također.