Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (-56%) takes a second week at the top of the All Formats Chart.
There are no new releases this week so it is pretty much just a shuffling of the pack. Warner climb 2 places with ‘Lego Jurassic World’ (-8%) and Warner are also No3 with ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ (-28%). Codemasters’ ‘F1 2015’ drops 2 places to No4 (-55%) and Take 2 stay at No5 for a fourth week in a row with ‘GTA V’ – unit sales on this title have been gradually increasing for the past 3 weeks (+8%).
Last week’s second biggest new release ‘God of War III: Remastered’ by Sony for PS4 drops 6 places to No15 (-37%) and Ubisoft’s ‘Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition’ enters the Chart at No37 (+70%) having debuted last week outside of the Top 40.

A ke reć. Prilično dosadan tjedan. Ajd, malo me iznenadilo da se GOW III : R još uvijek dobro drži iako se GOW nikad baš nije dobro prodaval u UK.